Hurvitz Plastic Surgery (562) 595-6543

Chin Augmentation
Conveniently located to serve Long Beach, Los Alamitos and the South Bay

Conveniently located to serve Long Beach, Los Alamitos and the South Bay

Chin augmentation in Long Beach, also referred to as mentoplasty, is a cosmetic procedure that uses a synthetic implant (silicone) to alter the underlying structure of the face, providing better balance to the facial features.

Anesthesia Type: Local or general if combined with a rhinoplasty or other procedures

Facility Type:  In-office surgical suite or outpatient surgery center if performed under general anesthesia

Recovery Time: 4-7 days

What to Expect During Recovery: Swelling, mild bruising, asymmetry during the healing process, restricted mouth movement, difficulty eating some foods or drinking out of a straw for the first few days to one week

Deciding to Have Chin Augmentation

If you are considering a chin implant, it’s best to review the information provided in this section so you are informed about the procedure and what to expect, followed by calling our office for a private consultation with Dr. Hurvitz at his Long Beach office.

During your visit, let Dr. Hurvitz know what your goals and expectations are from chin augmentation. This will help him understand your motives and expected outcome, as well as determine if your expectations are realistic. Dr. Hurvitz will evaluate not only your chin but your overall facial features as well. He will then explain which size and type of chin implant iarerecommended and let you know if any other procedures are recommended to achieve optimal results.

Lastly, Dr. Hurvitz will discuss the risks associated with surgery, as well as the healing time and what to expect during recovery. His staff will provide you with a detailed surgery quote outlining the cost.

About Chin Implant Surgery

Adding a chin implant can improve a weak, or receding, chin and make a prominent nose appear smaller. A fleshy chin can lack definition and contour, which can both be improved with chin augmentation. A chin implant provides a more harmonious balance to facial features, especially the profile.

This procedure carries very little risk compared to other cosmetic procedures. In fact, if a patient does not like the result of their chin implant surgery, it can easily be removed. This rarely happens, because Dr. Hurvitz thoroughly explains what to expect as a result of chin augmentation, and his patients are thrilled with the outcome. There is truly very little downside to having chin implant surgery. The procedure doesn’t require a lengthy recovery, nor one that causes much discomfort or care.


Anesthesia Options

Chin augmentation can be performed under general or local anesthesia. Local is the preferred option if this is the only procedure being done. In the case of rhinoplasty with chin augmentation, general anesthesia will be required. Dr. Hurvitz will discuss this in further detail during the consultation.

Local Anesthesia: Performed in-office. The patient is given a sedative to relax. A local anesthetic is injected into the surgical site for the purpose of numbing. This is very similar to having dental work. This option has little to no risk. Patients typically do not feel nauseous, but they may be a little sleepy from the sedative.

General Anesthesia: Performed in an outpatient surgical center. Anesthesia is administered by a board-certified anesthesiologist. The patient is completely asleep. Maybe groggy and nauseous for a few hours following surgery. Carries risks not associated with local anesthesia.

Chin Augmentation Cost

Many factors go into determining the price of chin plastic surgery. Among these are the exact techniques used, the type of anesthesia administered, and the total time required to perform the procedure.

Schedule a Chin Augmentation Consultation

Chin augmentation gives Long Beach patients improved facial definition and a stronger jawline. To find out more, contact Hurvitz Plastic Surgery and arrange a consultation with Dr. Hurvitz.

Procedures That Can Be Combined with a Chin Implant