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Breast Augmentation
Conveniently located to serve Long Beach, Los Alamitos and the South Bay

Conveniently located to serve Long Beach, Los Alamitos and the South Bay

Breast augmentation, also known as augmentation mammoplasty, involves using breast implants or fat (fat transfer breast augmentation) to increase the size of the breasts or restore breast volume that has been lost after weight reduction, pregnancy, or mastectomy.

Anesthesia Type: General, sometimes local anesthesia with fat transfer augmentation

Facility Type: Outpatient surgery center with general anesthesia, in-office surgical suite for local anesthesia in our Long Beach office.

Recovery Time: 5-10 days, but longer for full recovery and final result.

What to Expect as You Recover: Swelling, bruising, soreness, decreased range of motion of arms due to breast muscle being sore for the first few days, redness and/or itchy sensation along incisions, loss of sensation around the nipple area, nipple oversensitivity, asymmetric healing, or implants possibly being high and tight for the first few weeks until the muscles relax and allow the implants to drop.

Breast Augmentation Results Long BeachBreast Augmentation Results Long Beach

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Deciding to Have Breast Augmentation

If you are considering breast augmentation with implants or natural breast enlargement using a fat transfer, read through the information provided here, so you can become better educated about the procedure and what to expect. The next step will be to contact our office for a private consultation with Dr. Hurvitz.

Prior to your consultation with Dr. Hurvitz, write down a list of questions you would like to ask and collect a few photos of breasts you like from pictures you find online. These pictures will help Dr. Hurvitz see exactly what type of breasts you find attractive; large, moderate, round, teardrop, close cleavage, natural, upper fullness, etc. You should also let Dr. Hurvitz know the reasons for having breast augmentation surgery and your desired outcome. This will help him understand your motives and determine if your expectations are realistic.

During your visit, Dr. Hurvtiz will review your medical history and examine your breasts and body type to determine if you are a good candidate for breast augmentation. Most women are candidates, but there are some instances where there is a medical reason excluding you from having surgery (i.e. certain medications or medical conditions).

In some cases, Dr. Hurvitz may suggest a breast lift in conjunction with breast augmentation due to significant sag. This combination procedure is often called a breast augmentation with lift or an augmentation mastopexy, and it offers enhanced volume and perkiness while reducing drooping. A breast lift without implants is another option and is best for those specifically looking to address sagging breasts.

You will also be informed about the risks associated with the surgery, as well as what to expect during breast augmentation recovery. You will be able to see before and after photos and can ask any questions you may have. Lastly, Dr. Hurvitz will explain the differences between saline and silicone breast implants and provide suggestions on which implant size you may want to select based on your desired outcome and the measurements of your chest.

Upon completion of your consultation with Dr. Hurvitz, one of his friendly and knowledgable staff will provide you a detailed surgery quote outlining the costs associated with having breast enhancement surgery, as well as provide financing information should you need it.

Related Reviews

5 Star Rating
“This is the first time I am writing a review for a doctor. Dr. Hurvitz is the most genuine doctor I’ve ever met. He’s got the bedside manners of a true professional. He helped my mom with a breast augmentation gone wrong (not done by him), he was with her(us) every step of the way. My mom had to wait years to attempt to get another procedure. He was right there rooting her on and giving her great medical advice. Long story short he ended up completely following her procedure and everything came out amazing. Thank you for having a great heart. The medical profession is lucky to have you!”

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About Breast Augmentation

Year after year, breast augmentation ranks as the #1 cosmetic procedure performed in the United States (, and with improved technology and more breast implant options available than ever before, it is unlikely this will change anytime soon.

Women choose to have breast augmentation to increase the size and shape of their breasts. This can be done solely for cosmetic reasons or reconstructive purposes following a mastectomy due to breast cancer or genetic disorders.

Implant Types

There are three types of breast implants to choose from: saline, silicone, and gummy bear implants.

  • Saline-filled implants are silicone shells filled with sterile salt water.
  • Silicone-filled implants are silicone shells filled with a silicone gel.
  • Gummy bear implants are silicone shells filled with a cohesive form-stable silicone gel.

Currently, silicone breast implants are requested by women more often than saline implants, because the look and feel is more like natural breast tissue.

Gummy bear implants are a very popular option. Their silicone-gel filling is thicker than that of normal silicone implants. Because of this, they do not leak when ruptured. This makes gummy bear implants safer, makes implant replacement easier, and allows the breasts to keep their shape during a rupture.

You will also need to decide on your implants’ texture, shape, and profile. Most patients prefer smooth round breast implants, but some prefer textured implants, which are typically teardrop-shaped (anatomical). Low, moderate, and high profile breast implants all create different aesthetic results.

Dr. Hurvitz will talk with you about your implant options and provide his opinion on which one he feels is the best breast implant choice for you based on your surgical goals.

Implant Size

Selecting the implant size is another major decision that can sometimes weigh heavily on a woman. Large breast implants are the right choice for certain patients and small breast implants are better for others. Rest assured, Dr. Hurvitz will guide you through this process so you can feel confident in your choice. It should be noted that the majority of women who have repeat breast augmentation surgery do so to further increase their breast size.

Incision Options

Another decision that will need to be made prior to breast enlargement surgery is where to place the incision. There are several options available. During the consultation, Dr. Hurvitz will give his recommendation based on your overall goals, implant preference, and size selection.

Periareolar Incision:
This incision site is typically the most concealed. It consists of an incision placed along the edge of the areola. This area heals very well and is less prone to scarring issues. This is a popular choice with surgeons when inserting saline implants, because they don’t come pre-filled, so the shell is easier to manipulate through a smaller area.

Inframammary Incision:
This is the most commonly used incision at the present time and is made along the lower breast crease. This incision option is ideal for silicone implants, especially when they are larger in size. Silicone breast implants come pre-filled and are easier to insert through this incision.

Transaxillary Incision:
This incision is made in the armpit. A lighted camera (endoscope) is used to help tunnel through the subcutaneous fat to create a pocket behind the breast. This incision site is used primarily to place unfilled saline breast implants. This is not a common incision option.

Transumbilical Incision:
The transumbilical incision is made in the belly button. This incision site has not been studied and is not recommended. There are increased risks with this option.

Implant Placement

There are two primary placement options for breast implants; over the muscle and under the muscle. At present, under the muscle is by far the most popular method for placing breast implants. Dr. Hurvitz will thoroughly cover this topic at the initial consultation and explain his preference for you and why. Most of his Long Beach breast augmentation patients get breast augmentation with under-the-muscle placement.

After Your Breast Augmentation

Once your breast enlargement surgery is complete and you have returned home, you will need to rest and recover. During breast augmentation recovery, there will be a degree of bruising and swelling in the breasts. These issues will go away with time.

Wearing a surgical bra will be important for support of the healing breast tissues. Bras with underwire can cause injuries and should be avoided until breast augmentation recovery is complete.

How Much Does Breast Augmentation Cost?

The cost of a breast augmentation varies, because it is a highly individualized surgery tailored for each patient. The overall price may include anesthesia, operating room facilities, new breast implants, and other related expenses. Additional tests and imaging may also add to your total. Contact us for additional information

Schedule Your Consultation

Now that you are educated about breast augmentation and are ready to take the next step, contact our Long Beach or Torrance office to schedule a consultation with Dr. Keith Hurvitz.

Breast Augmentation Q&A

Why pick Dr. Hurvitz over other breast augmentation surgeons?

Dr. Hurvitz has been performing breast enhancement surgeries for over a decade. He listens to his patients and delivers exactly what they desire. He only performs his surgeries in accredited operating rooms under the strictest of conditions.

What is the cost of a breast augmentation?

Breast augmentation costs can vary depending on the type of implant used. Silicone breast implants tend to be more expensive than standard saline breast implants. Other factors also contribute to breast augmentation price, such as the exact techniques used and the overall time the procedure takes to perform.

How long is the recovery time for breast surgery?

Recovery from breast augmentation surgery is fairly quick. I ask my patients to take it easy for the first week. They can generally resume exercise and normal activities after week 3.

When can I go swimming after a breast augmentation?

In order to avoid any possible infection or irritation of the surgical incision, I recommend refraining from swimming for 6 weeks after surgery.

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